Eight weeks into its invasion of Ukraine, Russia has taken control of eastern regions but has not succeeded in capturing Kyiv. Ukraine’s armed forces have remained cohesive and have proven effective. Western sanctions on Russia’s economy threaten permanently to change trade and investment relations. Diplomatic efforts to halt the fighting began soon after the fighting began but have yielded little progress.
Although President Vladimir Putin expected a quick victory, and probably did not count on major financial sanctions, there is little sign that he is prepared to reduce his objectives or seek to bring the war swiftly to a close. This leaves considerable uncertainty over the short-term outlook.
By attending this webinar, you will be able to answer these questions:
- Where does the war now stand?
- How have Russia’s economy and state treasury fared since February 24?
- Which potential outcomes now might satisfy Vladimir Putin?
A discussion between:
- Paul Chaisty, Professor of Russian and East European Politics, University of Oxford; Member of the Oxford Analytica Expert Network
- Richard Connolly, Director of Eastern Advisory Group; Associate Fellow, RUSI; Member of the Oxford Analytica Expert Network
- Nuriya Kapralou, Advisor on Russian economics, Oxford Analytica
Chair: Nick Redman, Director of Analysis, Oxford Analytica
Background briefings
Each session is supported by a background briefing curated by our team of expert analysts who produce our flagship publication, the Oxford Analytica Daily Brief. These in-depth briefings are circulated to attendees in advance of each call and are available as written articles published in the Daily Brief.
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